Growing the Educational Garden

We have begun to cultivate two acres of soil that will become our organic garden and orchards right in the heart of MorningSun.  The gardens will provide the opportunity for many adults and children to connect with the earth, put their hands in the soil, and touch the wonder of transformation in the growing process. It will supply some food for the resident community through a DSA project (Dana Supported Agriculture), put some home-grown veggies in meals for program participants, and help to actualize simple, sustainable living.

There are two ways to support this wonderful work:

Annie Desmond Memorial Fund

One of our first resident pioneers at MorningSun, Annie was a lifelong environmental educator, passionate about bringing land based values and inspiration to children and families. She died of cancer in 2018. (see here for a short article remembering Annie in our 2018 Newsletter) Her memorial fund provides the opportunity for us to specifically direct our donations to the operation of programs that bring Earth spiritualty, simple living, and sustainability practices to children and families.

The Land and Garden Fund

The Land and Garden Fund is a means for us to offer donations directly to the development of the land at MorningSun. This includes the development of the farm and garden with soil, tools, fences, vegees, fruits, flowers and herbs that all need support and maintenance. It includes our small orchard, landscaping and trail building and maintenance. Please support the hard work of keeping the land beautiful, accessible and productive at MorningSun.


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