Mindfulness Center in the Plum Village Tradition
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Mindful Living Weekend Registration Form
Mindful Living Weekend Registration Form
Mindful Living Weekend Registration Form
Please choose which month you are registering for:
September 16-18 2022 Mindful Living Weekend
October 14-16 2022 Mindful Living Weekend
November 18-20 2022 Mindful Living Weekend
Please select your Program
Mindful Living Weekend (Sat AND Sun - with Fri night option)
Day of Quiet Renewal (Sat only - with Fri night option)
Day of Mindfulness (Sun only - with Sat night option)
Mindful Living Weekend
Whole weekend (Arrive Fri 7pm- Depart Sun 2pm)
Partial weekend (Arrive Sat 930am- Depart Sun 2pm)
Day of Quiet Renewal (Saturday 930-4)
Arrive Fri 7pm- Depart Sat 4pm
Arrive Sat 930am- Depart Sat 4pm
Day of Mindfulness (Sunday 10-2)
Arrive Sat 5pm- Depart Sun 2pm
Arrive Sun 10am- Depart Sun 2pm
I will be staying for the Order of Interbeing Gathering (Sunday 230-4)
I am an OI member
I am an OI aspirant
Program & Meals Contribution
Program Contribution (Whole Weekend)
(sliding scale) Includes Saturday breakfast and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. (Please bring your own vegetarian bagged lunch for Saturday)
Program Contribution (Partial Weekend)
(sliding scale) Includes Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. (Please bring your own vegetarian bagged lunch for Saturday)
Program Contribution (Sat only - Arrive Fri night)
(sliding scale) Includes Saturday breakfast. (Please bring your own vegetarian bagged lunch for Saturday)
Program Contribution (Saturday only)
(sliding scale) Does not include any meals. Please bring your own vegetarian bagged lunch.
Program Contribution (Sun only - Arrive Sat night)
(sliding scale) Includes breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
Program Contribution (Sunday only)
(sliding scale) Does not include any meals. Please bring your own vegetarian bagged lunch lunch.
# of People:
Program Total: $
Accommodation Cost
Choice of Accommodation
Staying Onsite (in a dormitory style bed)
Camping (April-October only)
Commuting (I will arrange my accommodation independently)
Cost of Bed for both Friday and Saturday
(sliding scale) There are 2-4 beds per dorm with shared bathrooms, linens provided. Please bring your own toiletries and towels.
Cost of Bed for Friday night only
(sliding scale) There are 2-4 beds per dorm with shared bathrooms, linens provided. Please bring your own toiletries and towels.
Cost of Bed for Saturday night only
(sliding scale) There are 2-4 beds per dorm with shared bathrooms, linens provided. Please bring your own toiletries and towels.
Cost of Bed for Saturday night only
(sliding scale) There are 2-4 beds per dorm with shared bathrooms, linens provided. Please bring your own toiletries and towels.
Cost of Camping
(sliding scale) Bring your own tent and camping gear. Flat sites with primitive outhouses and outdoor showers. Use of the toilet, laundry and kitchen in the Barn is ok.
# of Beds/sites:
Accommodation Total: $
Total Cost
Adjust your Program and Accommodations selections. If the total is too much for you to afford, please apply for financial assistance by checking the Financial Assistance Request box below. If you have already completed a Financial Assistance Application and received confirmation of your award please check the Financial Assistance Award box below.
Total cost: $
Financial Assistance Request
If you wish to make a request for financial assistance, please check this box.
(Select the lowest sliding scale options for program and accommodation before making a Financial Aid Request.)
Morning Sun Mindfulness Center would like to make it possible for you to attend our program. Please choose the level of assistance that you need below. This is a self-selecting process that draws on our limited scholarship fund. We ask that you only select the assistance you truly require (remembering that others may also be in need). Be sure to select the lowest options on the sliding scale. If you are still unable to afford the program, choose the level of assistance that you need below.
What level of assistance are you requesting?
20% reduction
40% reduction
If you require more than a 40% reduction, please email us with your request. (Do not continue with this registration form.)
New cost with Financial Assistance applied: $
Continue registration with financial assistance applied?
(You must check this box to confirm your request and receive the Financial Assistance you requested.)
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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