Parenting Practice Grows!

Parenting Around the Country: Morning Sun teachers held special parenting sessions in retreats as far away as Seattle and as close as the “Dharma Mamas” retreat in Boston.

We were also invited to offer several parenting sessions to the 70+ parents at Blue Cliff Monastery’s Summer Retreat. Parents expressed gratitude for the practical applications for practicing with their children.

Watch a talk by Fern on PlumVillage YouTube:


Special Summer Sessions: This Summer Fern Dorresteyn and Sara Norris worked together to create a program especially for parents. In the sessions parents learned together through discussions, interactive exercises and meditations to look deeply into our children and into the challenges and joys of parenting.


Working as a Family: Also added to this year’s program was a chance for parents and children to work together: in the garden lovingly watering and harvesting food for lunch, in the kitchen mindfully baking, and caring for the meditation hall and outhouses.
Learning to touch life deeply, not just on the cushion but as we work, is an important aspect of our practice. In working meditation we relax our bodies, release our worries, quiet our mind. We stop missing our lives and become fully alive, allowing the beauty of life to nourish us.

And lets not forget the addition of a basketball hoop thanks to the Desmond family!




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